Aurender players with Analog Outputs (A100/A10/A30) feature DAC-level volume control to allow the user to adjust the volume output from the Aurender.
To enable or disable Aurender DAC-level volume control, go to the Advanced 2 section of the Settings menu in the Conductor app and turn the "Use Direct Output" option OFF (enables volume control) or ON (disables volume control).
When Direct Output mode is turned OFF, buttons for adjusting volume will appear in the bottom left of the Conductor app interface with a readout displaying the output level in half-decibel (dB) steps between the up/down volume buttons (1). To the right of the volume up/down buttons is a speaker mute button to mute the output of the A10 / A100 / A30 (2):
Android Users: access the volume control user interface by pressing the physical volume buttons on your Android device:
After pressing volume buttons on the device, the Aurender volume control and input selection interface will appear:
If the Aurender is being used with a preamp or integrated amp that has volume control, it is recommended to turn "Use Direct Output" ON so that Aurender's DAC-level volume control is disabled. In this case the preamp or integrated amp will do its job as the volume controller without confusion from multiple levels of volume control.
If the Aurender is NOT being used with a preamp or integrated amp, and is feeding a power amplifier directly, make sure that Direct Output is turned OFF!! Failure to observe the proper setting here can cause damage or unexpected extremely loud output!
The user may set the default volume behavior when the A100/A10/A30 is turned on after restarting or powering off the system. When the “Save last volume level” button is selected, the volume will remain at the level the user had previously selected before powering off or restarting the A10 (4). Alternatively, the user can turn off this function and select either the -60dB (5) or the -30dB (6) button to set the volume for either of these levels when the unit is turned back on.
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